Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Just like perfection... flawless... absolutely flawless!

There's this movie called "The Gods must be crazy". For the uninitiated, the lives of a tribe of bushmen living in the Kalahari desert are depicted in this movie. They are totally isolated from the rest of the world for the simple reason of having adapted to conditions that are otherwise insufferable. The Kalahari desert extending to some 900,000 square kilometres in southern Africa is bone-dry throughout the year and only the bushmen have the physical abilities as well as the knowledge to survive here.

In their tiny society, there is no concept of ownership. They do not own any artifacts. They do not own ornaments. They do not own anybody or anything. For what they get comes from nature and that is the only thing they understand and respect. Simple lives. Simple objectives, but always relevant to their existence, is what defines them. Sounds like paradise! The same, unfortunately, cannot be said of the rest of the "civilized world". How the hell did we lose it?

This tribe is a relic of our past. We all started out like them. But somewhere along the line a handful of people or less started questioning why they cannot keep what they find in nature for themselves. And that, I believe, was the birth of the idea of ownership, of society. That was the point where respect for life was lost. And chaos reared its ugly head in the world of Man. He formed societies, civilizations and nations all based on innumerable rules to rein in chaos. It was like trying to pour kerosene on an already raging fire. What did he achieve .... conflicts!

Money, being an off-shoot of this concept of ownership, is not the root of all evil after all! Turning back time, all the way from the Roman Empire to the modern day issues in the Gaza strip it has always been about ownership and the rules that would naturally arise out of that concept. I am your parent so you live by my rules. I am your husband so you live by my rules. I am your country so you live by my rules. I am stronger than you so you live by my rules. Leave alone the religious cliche of "God having created man"; science teaches man that he can trace his genealogy all the way to the first single-celled organism which in turn came into being due to the right chemical compounds have been at the right place, the right conditions and the right time. Man, in other words, is a freak of nature, and he claims to be the master of the planet. Haaaa... right! Its like claiming that my foot owns the ground its tread on! When will we learn?

1 comment:

Dew Drop said...

Excellent article Jijo...
I think every word is true... Makes me wopnder too, why are we like this...??
i liked the last paragraph and the second paragraph in partiular.


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